AEUP Annual Meetings
- AEUP Annual Meeting 2023
online, November 23rd, 2023 - AEUP Annual Meeting 2022
online, November 17th, 2022 - AEUP Annual Meeting 2021
online, November 25th, 2021 - AEUP Annual Meeting 2020
online, December 17th, 2020 - AEUP Annual Meeting 2019
Frankfurt Book Fair, October 17th, 2019 - AEUP Annual Meeting 2018
Frankfurt Book Fair, October 11th, 2018 - AEUP Annual Meeting 2017
Frankfurt Book Fair, October 12th, 2017 - AEUP Annual Meeting 2016
Frankfurt Book Fair, October 20th, 2016 - AEUP Annual Meeting 2015
Frankfurt Book Fair, October 14th, 2015 - AEUP Annual Meeting 2014
Frankfurt Book Fair, October 9th, 2014 - AEUP Annual Meeting 2013
Frankfurt Book Fair, October 10th, 2013 - AEUP Annual Meeting 2012
Frankfurt Book Fair, October 11th, 2012 - AEUP Annual Meeting 2011
Frankfurt Book Fair, October 12th, 2011 - Official Launch of AEUP 2010
Frankfurt Book Fair, October 7th, 2010
AEUP Annual Meeting 2020
This year’s annual meeting was held on Thursday, December 17th, 2020; 13:00- at the most 15:00. This year the members met online.
Please let us know if you have any questions or something you would like to discuss at the annual meeting:
AEUP Annual Meeting 2019
The annual meeting was held on October 17th 2019, 2-4 pm, in Frankfurt am Main, at the Frankfurt Book Fair (Hall 4.2, Room Brillanz).
From 14:00 to 15:00 it was a members only event. From 15:00 to 16:00, the meeting was open to all interested parties.
Drinks reception after the meeting was held at Hall 4.2, stands booth E73774/75/77/78.
AEUP Annual Meeting 2018
The annual meeting was held on October 11th 2017, 1-3 pm, in Frankfurt am Main, at the Frankfurt Book Fair (hall 3 East Ost, room EXTRAKT)
From 13:00 to 14:00 it was a members only event. From 14:00 to 15:00, the meeting was open to all interested parties.
AEUP Annual Meeting 2017
This year’s annual meeting will be held at the Frankfurt Book Fair, Thursday, 12 October 2017, 15:00 – 17:00.
From 15:00 to 16:00 it will be a members only event. From 16:00-17:00, the meeting will be open to all interested parties.
The meeting will take place in the room “Aspekt” in_Hall_C_West.
The focus of the second part will be on the future of AEUP.
We will talk about:
7 Recommendations
The output of the conference finds its expression in 7 recommendations that were presented at the wrap-up of the conference. We would like to discuss these fundamental statements.
a Workshop in 2018
The board suggest that there should be a conference every 2nd year. In the meantime at least one workshop should be held to discuss selected topics of high interest in depth. For 2018 the board suggests to hold the workshop in Tartu/Estonia. Time and topics are to be discussed.
Working groups
In the meantime, you can meet several AEUP members in hall 4.2 at booth E 88-90.
AEUP Annual Meeting 2016
The Annual Meeting was held at the Frankfurt Book Fair on October 20th, 2016.
AEUP Annual Meeting 2015
As in the past, this year’s Annual Meeting of the AEUP took place at the Frankfurt Book Fair. It was being held at room Brillanz, Hall 4.2 E2 on Wednesday, October 14th, 2015 from 4:30 till 6:30 pm.
The first hour of the meeting was intended for AEUP-members only.
From 5:30 pm on, the meeting was open to non-members and other interested parties. We had an inspiring program with the focus on the benefits of international networking:
17:30h | Welcome by Isabella Meinecke (President AEUP) |
17:35h | Emmanuelle Corne (Editions de la Maison des sciences de l’homme/BSN7) on “Publish: at what costs? A cost structure study for french journals publishing in the social and humanities sciences” |
17:45h | The AEUP Survey on Publishing Activities: Results |
17:55h | Pierre Mounier (Open Edition) on OPERAS – Building a European Infrastructure for Open Access Publication in SSH |
18:05h | Eelco Ferwerda (OAPEN) – on OAPEN and the Benefits of Networking in SSH |
18:15h | Scaling the Network: a pan-European Conference of University Presses: Discussion, Questions |
18:30h | Drinks Reception in hall 4.2, booth E84-90 |
We are looking forward to seeing you!
AEUP Annual Meeting 2014
Frankfurt Book Fair
Wednesday, October 9th
The 2014 Annual Meeting of the AEUP took place at the Frankfurt Book Fair on Thursday, October 9th, from 3 till 5 pm in room Brillanz, Hall 4.2 . The first hour of the meeting was intended for AEUP-members only. The second hour, from 4pm onwards, had been open to non-members and interested parties.
AEUP Annual Meeting 2013
Frankfurt Book Fair
Wednesday, October 10th
This year’s Annual Meeting of the AEUP will take place at the Frankfurt Book Fair on Thursday October 10th, from 3 till 5 pm in room Good Will, Hall 4.1. The first hour of the meeting is intended for AEUP-members only. The second hour, from 4pm onwards, may be attended by all parties interested.
AEUP Annual Meeting 2012
The annual meeting was held on October 11th 2012, 10-12 AM at the Frankfurt Book Fair.
AEUP Annual Meeting 2011
Frankfurt Book Fair
Wednesday, October 12th
The first Annual Meeting, held by the AEUP in Frankfurt on Wednesday October 12th, was attended by 20 people from 17 different member presses:
- Academia Press, Gent, Belgium: Pieter Borghart
- Bolzano UP, Italy: Elisabeth Frasnelli
- Editions de l’EHESS, France: Anne Madelain
- Editura Institutul European, Romania: Anca Dumistrecu
- Firenze UP, Italy: Fulvio Guatelli
- Göttingen UP, Germany: Margo Bargheer, Jutta Probst
- Hamburg UP, Germay: Isabelle Meinecke
- Innsbruck UP, Austria: Birgit Holzner
- KIT Scientific Publishing, Germany: Brigitte Maier, Regine Tobias (Secretary)
- Leuven UP, Belgium: Veerle De Laet, Marike Schipper (Vice-president)
- MSH Editions, Paris, France: Emmanuelle Corne (Executive officer)
- Museum Tusculanums Forlag, Denmark: Marianne Alenius
- Northumbria UP, UK: Andrew Peden Smith (Executive officer)
- Nottingham UP, UK: Ross Webb (member of the Board)
- Amsterdam University Press, NL: Eelco Ferwerda (President)
- Potsdam UP, Germany: Dagmar Schobert
- Tallin UP, Estonia: Heli Allik
After a word of welcome by Eelco Ferwerda, the President of AEUP, all members attending the meeting present themselves and their presses to the group. It is interesting and also reassuring to learn that despite a great variety in set up, background and size between the presses, there is also quite a large number of common issues and concerns that we share. It is clear that the AEUP can play an important role for university press publishing by providing a platform where we can share information and together look for opportunities to strengthen the position of the European UP’s.
Marike Schipper presents the new website of AEUP (, which was launched only a couple of days before the Frankfurt Book Fair. This new website, based on Joomla, gives information on the structure and set up of the AEUP, features news items and updates on events and provides interesting articles and documents. The website will soon have a separate ‘members only’ section which requires a log in to access a ‘wiki’ where members can share best practices on common issues such as review procedures, setting up ebooks, and/or managing the relationship with a parent institution etc.
The larger part of the Annual Meeting is devoted to setting up a working group on e-book consortia. Eelco Ferwerda informs the members about a number of new initiatives for ebook platforms that are currently being developed especially for University Presses. At this moment, most continental University Presses are either too small and/or cannot provide enough content to enter in these consortia. Also the technical know-how required to enter negotiations with these larger consortia is not in all presses present. A working group from AEUP will start to chart the various initiatives known to us, compare the pros and cons of those programms and start negotiations for those AEUP-members who are interested in joining forces to enter the consortia as a group.
Another working group is set up to look at the posibilities of setting up joint stands at international book fairs such as Frankfurt and London. This years stand of the European University Presses, hosted by the German association of UP’s, seems to have been a great success for all participants and should hopefully be continued in following years.
The Annual Meeting is concluded by the election of a new Executive Board. With the current president Eelco Ferwerda and treasurer Denise Pierot leaving, there are two openings in the Board. It is decided that Marike Schipper who is currently Vice-president will take over the presidency from Eelco Ferwerda; and that Emmanuelle Corne, who is now Executive officer, will become Treasurer. This leaves one position open for a Vice-President, which will soon be elected from a number of candidates who volunteered for this post.
We can look back on an interesting, fruitful, and inspiring first Annual Meeting of the AEUP and we hope to continue and promote the dialog between the members in the coming months!
Official Launch of AEUP 2010
Official Launch of European University Presses (AEUP) at Frankfurt Book Fair, 6 October – 10 October, 2010
Ludwig-Erhard-Anlage 1, 60327 Frankfurt am Main, Germany
We are pleased to announce that the Association of European University Presses (AEUP) will be officially launched at the upcoming Frankfurt Book Fair. AEUP invites all those who are interested to become a member or to learn more about this initiative to an open meeting at the Frankfurt Book Fair on Thursday October 7th @ 16h00 in Hall 3.C westside, Room Aspekt. Drinks will be served afterwards in the ajoining room ‘Argument’.
- 16h00 Welcome and opening words by Eelco Ferwerda, Chairman of the AEUP Preparatory Committee
- 16h10 Presentation of the AEUP by Marike Schipper, member of the AEUP Preparatory Committee, on “The Value of University Press Publishing and the Need for an AEUP”
- 16h30 Reply and remarks by Peter Givler, chairman of the Association of American University Presses
- 16h45 Q and A
- 17h00 Drinks in ajoining Room ‘Argument’